Friday, December 4, 2009

Did I Ever Really Exist? Character Analysis

Hey, I'm Blanche. Awhile ago I thought I existed. I believed that I too was apart of this earth and had a place in the human race. I recall having a family and friends but now that all these objects are gone, I start to wonder if they ever did exist. My family lost Belle Reve, the plantation me and Stella grew up on, so naturally I decided to try to relocate and move in with Stella, my closest family. It felt like such a wonderful plan when I first thought it up but now that I reflect upon it, it was actually my biggest mistake. Before I went there I was happy. No actually, that's a lie. Before I went to Stella's I was content. Too many terrible occurrences and situations happened while I was staying with my sister. I remember moving in, and arguing with Stanley. I also remember how violent he got during one of his poker games. The single night that stands out in my mind with the most vivid light can also be categorized as the worst night of my life. Stanley raped me. He was angry and he took advantage of his wife's sister. He was wrong. I told Stella. I warned her so many times in numerous ways but she loves that atrocious man. She cares for that animal. This is the part of my life that is lost to me. I distinctly remember doctors knocking on the door and taking me to this . . . place. Whether or not I'm still in that place I do not know. Whether or not I'm alive or dead I do not know. Whether or not I was ever alive, I do not know.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Scene in which Stanley hits Stella

Streetcar Named Desire: Scene Analysis

I can hardly write for shaking so much. I'm so angry, more angry than I ever thought possible. Yesterday was one of the worst experiences of my life. I couldn't believe what I witnessed. Stanley hit my sister. My beloved sister that wouldn't hurt a fly. He cause physical pain to Stella. She's pregnant. She's a woman. She's his wife. All of these reason are lined up and he is aware of each and every one of them and yet he still let his drunken anger get the best of him. He should be glad he isn't in reach of my right hand right now. I would punch him and try to cause so much pain that he would never show his face in front of me again. I confronted Stella today in hopes that she too would not want to see him but all she could manage was, "I have told you that I love him"(William 81). She loves him and that is that. I will have to calm myself and accept the fact that she has found a husband and no matter what he does to her, even if it is so terrible, she will stick with him. I still don't care for Stanley but if Stella loves him and I love Stella, then there is nothing I can do except tolerate him.

Friday, November 20, 2009

A Letter to Stanley

Dear Stanley,

You are an animal. I can't believe that my dear sister could have ever chosen you as a husband. Last night i witnessed one of the most terrifying things i have ever seen in my life. You beat her. You caused physical pain to my beloved family member. I can't ever forgive you for what you did last night. I know that Stella loves you and has forgiven you. She has told me this and also that you have promised to stop having poker parties where there is a possiblity of situations getting out of hand. Will you keep this promise? We will find out. Just yesterday i said to her, "You've given in. And that isn't right, you're not old! You can get out"(Williams 74). My sister is stubborn. She doesn't want out, she just wants you. I have come to the realization that it is near impossible to separate you two so now i can only hope that you change as a person. I sincerely hope that you don't take the tender love of my sister for granted. That was my sole purpose in writing this letter. I hope that you now realize that i will be keeping my eye on you. I plan to stay with my sister for an extended period of time seeing as she is my last living family. I have only just met you and already have formed a negative opinion of you. Good luck in the future.

Sincerely, Blanche

Friday, November 13, 2009

Blame & Guilt

What if they don't want me?
I won't be welcome there
Stanley doesn't even know me
I'd just be in their hair
I guess i have nothing here
Now that Belle Reve is gone
I realize now the terrible truth
My sister is my only bond
Everyone has deserted me
Even my dead boyfriend
For some reason everyone leaves
I hurt them in the end
Now I'm kind of a nomad
Looking for a place to bunk
"Everything that i own
Is in that trunk"(Williams 41).
I feel like i have many secrets
And in a way i guess i do
I cringe at the thought of confession
Oh boy! If Stella ever knew
She would think i let down the family
That i filled our name with shame
But she's the one that deserted first
So she has to carry some blame
Maybe its just the guilt
That makes me so insecure
But i have no one to talk to now
I'll have to learn to endure
I know that Stanley's suspicious
But I'm not sure what about
I heard him say "I have a lawyer acquaintance
who will study these out"(Williams 44).
They're going to know eventually
And soon that time will come
But until they straight out confront me
I'm going to just play dumb.